Monday, January 20, 2020

How can I find my way back home without coordinates? : Minecraft

You can get lost in either a desert, the mountains, the Jungle, etc. One day, you may decide that you want to go exploring or searching for resources but all of a sudden, you are lost. Remembering a familiar place can be hard, but read on for some advice for you to get home. While not the main purpose, a world mapper, viewer, or even chunk-deleter like the MCA selector can be used to find your buildings . Most of these types of programs allow you to load in your level.dat and view the loaded chunks including buildings. Since this is an older question with old answers here are some methods to find specific spots in your Minecraft world.

how to find your way back home in minecraft

So make sure the coordinates are closing to the origin, as you move. Search your house well, even if it means a long journey. To prevent this from happening again, just make a screenshot using F2 with you in or near the house. You can find the screenshots in the Screenshots subfolder from the .minecraft folder, found in Users/your username/AppData/Roaming .

Ingame Methods

Problem is, I spent a couple of hours building awesome shit but didn't sleep or adjust spawn. I have now spawned far away and have no idea how to get back. There is a badlands biome nearby my builds, don't know if that helps.

Click the green, right-facing arrow on the far-right side of the "Game directory" section to do so. This will open the folder in which Minecraft stores its files, including your saved worlds. The switch will turn green.If this button is green, advanced settings are already enabled. If you're using Java Edition and your world is set to Hardcore Mode, you can't kill your character, otherwise, you'd have to delete your world. This absolutely will not work if you haven't yet slept in a bed, or if the last bed you slept in wasn't the bed in your house. Then, you need to look for a file called “latest_log” or “launcher_log“.


I believe the dot eventually disappears if you're far enough away, though. Remember that maps can be "zoomed out" by combining them with paper on a cartography table; this makes them show a larger area. Also try making landmarks periodically to see where you have been in your search for your old base. You can also use your compass together with a loadstone to make a marker.

Once the compass is in your Hotbar, the red compass arrow will point to the direction of the world spawn point. And you’ll see a message appearing with the coordinates ot the closest Mansion. Once again, keep in mind that if you are very far from your house this method could lead you to another structure, not the one close to your house.

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You can do so by crafting and placing a bed in your house and sleeping in it at least once. Check out the recipe above to craft a bed in Minecraft. But after leaving the house, if you sleep in some other location, the spawn point will switch to that location. So, even though it’s the easiest, this method is not fool-proof. The easiest thing to do during world exploration in Minecraft is to take note of your home’s coordinates. You can view coordinates by turning them on in the world settings on the Bedrock edition.

If you are lost in the Mountains, find the tallest Mountain near and climb it. And, if your bed is far both from x0 and z0, you can try and use it to teleport back to the last bed you used, but without losing your stuff. I'd recommend Zan's Minimap, which is a clientside mod that gives you a great, customizable map. Of particular use to you is the feature that allows you to set waypoints on your map, so you will never lose a certain place again. If you don't want to use any external tools then you could build a tower where you are and climb to the top.

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Unless you are already building on top of a mountain (using one of our best Minecraft 1.18 mountain seeds), you could add a tall tower-like structure to your house. You can also add light sources on top of the structure to make it easier to find at night. Finally, avoid making tall pillars or leaving torches around to make your path back home. Some players build tall pillars when leaving the house so that they can follow the pillars back. It might seem like a good idea, but your world would be ugly with tall pillars littered all over.

Then, you only need to travel towards the direction where your compass needle is pointing to reach the spawn point. You can even hold the compass in your off-hand by pressing the “F” key on your PC for easier navigation. In the place that you are lost, copy the coordinates down on paper.

If you are playing Multiplayer, have your partner find you if they are at home. If they are lost with you, have your friend decide where is home. If you remember the biome / nearby points of interest like villages -and have access to the world seed- you can use a seed map to figure out where you should search. Make sure when you're traveling, you bring a map, otherwise you won't find the way back. The map doesn't show all the places in your world since you haven't explored it yet, but it's the best way to find your way home. Normally when you spawn in a world, you get a map in your inventory so you don't have to craft one.

how to find your way back home in minecraft

If you kill your character, you will have to delete your world and start over. Since the compass will always point to the world spawn point, try to build your house close to where you first appeared in Minecraft. The world spawn point is set by default, and, sometimes, the spawn point might not be an ideal place to build a house.

Make a beacon of some sort and place it in your current location. If you are unsuccessful, return to your beacon and pick another direction. Make sure to always keep your beacon in sight, or use the breadcrumbs method. If you are completely lost, you can dig straight up to the surface and look for landmarks.

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